As the ICT manager of a group of six schools, I am continuously coaching our teachers, principals, and support staff on their digital journey. Additionally, I frequently initiate change and growth processes within our school group. When Kris Vande Moortel informed me about the Microsoft Certified Coach training program, I immediately saw the added value and an opportunity to strengthen and grow myself and my daily approach.

The first insights start for me even before physical training. The clifton strengths confirm my known personality traits but give me much more interpretation and insights on how to use these strengths in a positive way in my growth process. I now use my hunger for learning and strategic strengths even more to nudge my ICT team and lead them into tomorrow’s challenges. I know that it is my strength to guide each individual personally and focus on his values and strengths. This makes that I will and can do anything to make from a diversified team a well-oiled machine. The training in London was a real eye-opener for me. Despite the intensive days and the various English accents, the training was exceptionally engaging. It provided numerous valuable insights, and I could constantly draw connections to my daily activities. The training significantly expanded my knowledge and skills in coaching and Microsoft technologies. Not to mention the visit of one of the most famous “celeberties” in the Microsoft education field: Mike Tholfsen! How great is it we just have a conversation with him about the future and needs of our education: WOW! Moreover, I was introduced to the infectious American enthusiasm, something we, in my opinion, lack here in Belgium. We tend to see everything we do as normal and ordinary, whereas we should be prouder, more enthusiastic, and exuberant about our achievements. Joe Merrill is the perfect example of this; what an incredible enthusiasm! 😉

Thanks to the I2e training, led by the outstanding trainers Becky Keene and Nathan Wells, I am now better equipped to implement innovative solutions that enhance the efficiency, effectiveness, and cohesion of our ICT foundation. The monthly online sessions have updated my knowledge and application of various powerful and handy tools that can enhance the learning process. The ISTE standards serve as our framework throughout the school year, guiding our work. They provide us with the right feedback on our approach and offer the correct arguments for why we do things in a certain way. By keeping this portfolio and recording the evidence, we also got a snapshot of the impact and efforts we all make during a school year. We believe this is very impressive.

With these new tools and insights, I now guide my colleagues through the process instead of taking the wheel from them. Additionally, we now better ensure that we approach all aspects of the coaching process, making our impact more sustainable and well-founded. This training has provided me with valuable knowledge, both for my work and personal life, enabling me to coach people successfully. I am very grateful that, thanks to our school group and the invitation from Kris Vande Moortel (Microsoft Belgium), I had this opportunity.

In addition, I gained many great new connections through this training. People with similar interests and challenges with who I can have exciting conversations and inspiring discussions in the future within a network of coaching expertise. In addition, this training demonstrated once again how complementary me and Stephanie are in making an #posistiveimpact within our organization. By bringing our cliftonstrengths together, we cover wide swaths of characteristics that together will allow us to make the digital transition even stronger and maximize our students’ learning efficiency!

#noAI needed to describe this positive experience.🤜💥🤛
#powerteam #positiveimpact

4.1 Change Agent

Coaches inspire educators and leaders to use technology to create equitable and ongoing access to meaningful learning.

Stephanie and Steven present the new ICT strategy to elementary school teachers from neighboring schools.

4.1.a Create a Shared Vision

Create a shared vision and culture for using technology to learn and accelerate transformation through the coaching process.

✅ Application of ISTE Standard

Together with a lot of stakeholders, we created a new digital strategy for our school group. We chose for the term ‘strategy’ instead of vision to focus on because a strategy can be dynamic and not static. At all times we can adapt and adjust it according to needs and novelties. To implement this strategy, we did a roadshow with our IT-team to present this to all of our 6 schools and staff. This strategy serves as a guide for all policy decisions.

✅ our artifacts


Throughout the renewal of our digital strategy, it is essential to reflect on the journey that brought us here and the principles guiding our path forward. This strategy is not just a document; it is a beacon for our team operations and policy decisions, designed to be powerful, clear, and transparent. We recognized early on that the success of this strategy would hinge on thorough preparation and genuine engagement with our colleagues. Rather than simply presenting a finished product, we took the time to craft a narrative that would resonate with everyone. This approach was crucial in ensuring that our colleagues not only understood the strategy but also felt a sense of ownership and commitment to its goals.
One of the core tenets of our strategy is clarity. We aimed to eliminate ambiguity and provide a straightforward roadmap that everyone could follow. Transparency was equally important; we wanted our colleagues to see the rationale behind our decisions and trust in the direction we are heading. By being open and honest, we fostered an environment of trust and collaboration.
Our goal was to empower our team members, giving them the tools and confidence to embrace the changes ahead. We knew that simply imposing a strategy would not suffice. Instead, we sought to convince and inspire, ensuring that every team member felt motivated and aligned with our vision. This collective conviction is what will drive us forward and enable us to achieve our objectives in the future. As we move forward, it is important to remember that this strategy is a living document. It will evolve as we learn and grow, and it will continue to serve as a guide for our decisions and actions. We are committed to maintaining the principles of clarity, transparency, and empowerment, and we are confident that, together, we will navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

4.1.b Ensure Equitable Use of Tools & Content

Facilitate equitable use of digital learning tools and content that meet the needs of each learner.

✅ Application of ISTE Standard​

A personal school laptop has become indispensable in education at KOGEKA schoolgroup. All our students, teachers and administration staff use the same device: the KOGEKA.IT school laptop.

  • This device can be used both at school and at home.
  • Is the property of the school.
  • We work with a leasing contract. The advantage: after three years, it is replaced by a new device. So we are always up and running.
  • We offer a laptop and software package. A reliable and secure Windows laptop on which all the (Microsoft)software you need for school is available.

✅ our artifacts


The implementation of a uniform device policy for both students and teachers marks a significant step towards enhancing the educational experience through technology. This approach brings several key benefits that are crucial in today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape. One of the primary advantages of using a uniform device is the improved consistency and compatibility of technological resources. When everyone is using the same type of device, it simplifies the integration of digital tools and resources across the curriculum. This uniformity ensures that all students and teachers have access to the same functionalities, reducing the likelihood of technical issues and creating a more cohesive learning environment. The leasing system associated with the uniform device policy ensures that the technology remains current. In a world where digital advancements occur at a rapid pace, having up-to-date devices is essential. This system allows the school to regularly and safely update the devices, ensuring that students and teachers are always equipped with the latest technology. This not only enhances the learning experience but also prepares students for the future by familiarizing them with current technological trends. Providing a complete laptop package, including all necessary software, significantly reduces the technical burden on both students and teachers. With everything pre-installed and ready to use, the focus can remain on learning rather than troubleshooting technical issues. This streamlined approach allows for a more efficient use of time and resources, enabling educators to concentrate on delivering high-quality instruction and students to engage more deeply with their studies. Overall, the use of a uniform device in a school context is a smart and forward-thinking approach. It not only addresses practical concerns related to technology use but also enriches the learning experience by creating a more stable and supportive educational environment. By ensuring that everyone has access to the same high-quality tools, we can foster a more inclusive and effective learning.

4.1.c Cultivate a Supportive Coaching Culture

Cultivate a supportive coaching culture that encourages educators and leaders to achieve a shared vision and meet individual goals.

✅ Application of ISTE Standard​​

Visit Microsoft Belgium with a mix of educators. During this visit, we wanted to introduce a mix of educators and school leaders of our school group to all these powerful and beautiful innovations and take them on a growth journey that we want to initiate together with them! This trajectory will be further continued in the school year of ’24-’25.

✅ our artifacts


Our recent visit to Microsoft Belgium was an inspiring and enlightening experience for all involved. Bringing together a diverse group of educators and school leaders, we aimed to introduce them to the powerful and beautiful innovations in artificial intelligence (AI) and other cutting-edge technologies. This visit marked the beginning of a growth journey that we are excited to continue throughout the school year of 2024-2025. During the visit, we had the opportunity to explore a range of AI innovations that have the potential to transform education. From intelligent tutoring systems to advanced data analytics, these technologies promise to enhance teaching and learning in profound ways. Our goal was to showcase how these tools can be integrated into the classroom to support personalized learning, improve student outcomes, and streamline administrative tasks. The visit was not just about showcasing technology; it was about initiating a collaborative growth journey with our educators and school leaders. We wanted to inspire them to envision new possibilities for their schools and to see themselves as active participants in this transformation. By engaging with these innovations firsthand, our visitors could better understand the potential impact on their own educational environments. As we look ahead to the school year of 2024-2025, we are committed to continuing this trajectory of growth and innovation. The visit to Microsoft Belgium was just the beginning. We plan to provide ongoing support and professional development to help our educators and school leaders effectively implement these technologies. Our aim is to create a dynamic and forward-thinking educational community that embraces the opportunities presented by AI and other advancements. In conclusion, the visit to Microsoft Belgium was a significant milestone in our journey towards educational innovation. It provided a valuable opportunity for our educators and school leaders to engage with the latest technologies and to begin envisioning how these tools can enhance their teaching and learning practices. We are excited to continue this together and to see the positive impact it will have on our schools in the coming year(s).

4.1.d Recognize High-Impact Teaching

Recognize educators across the organization who use technology effectively to enable high-impact teaching and learning.

✅ Application of ISTE Standard​​

We want to meet the needs of our staff for additional IT training. To detect exactly where the needs are, our IT team has developed the CHECK.IT. A short – personal – practical – real-life CHECK on a particular digital topic to identify training needs.

✅ our artifacts


The development and implementation of the ‘CHECK.IT’ questionnaire represent a significant step forward in addressing the IT training needs within our organization. This innovative tool is designed to precisely identify where additional training is required, ensuring that our team members receive the support they need to excel in their digital competencies. The primary goal of ‘CHECK.IT’ is to meet the diverse IT training needs of our staff. To achieve this, our IT team has meticulously developed a questionnaire that is short, personal, practical, and grounded in real-life scenarios. By focusing on specific digital topics, ‘CHECK.IT’ provides a targeted approach to identifying training gaps, making it an efficient and effective tool for our organization. One of the standout features of ‘CHECK.IT’ is its personalized nature. Each questionnaire is tailored to the individual, ensuring that the feedback and insights gathered are relevant and actionable. This personal touch not only makes the process more engaging for participants but also ensures that the training recommendations are directly applicable to their daily tasks and responsibilities. The practical, real-life focus of ‘CHECK.IT’ is another key strength. By grounding the questions in real-world scenarios, we can better understand the specific challenges our team members face. This approach allows us to develop training programs that are not only theoretically sound but also practically useful, enhancing the overall effectiveness of our IT training initiatives. The introduction of ‘CHECK.IT’ has already begun to make a positive impact on our organization. By accurately detecting training needs, we can allocate resources more efficiently and provide targeted support where it is most needed. As we continue to refine and expand this project, we are confident that ‘CHECK.IT’ will play a crucial role in fostering a culture of continuous learning and digital proficiency within our team. ‘CHECK.IT’ is a testament to our commitment to continuous improvement and professional development. This project exemplifies our proactive approach to identifying and addressing IT training needs, ensuring that our team is well-equipped to navigate the ever-evolving digital landscape. We look forward to the continued success of ‘CHECK.IT’ and the positive impact it will have on our organization.

🔁 Clarification

At the end of each CHECK.IT, educators are asked if they need additional digital training or if they are skilled in a particular digital tool. This helps identify those with valuable expertise. Those identified are invited to share their knowledge during events like (H)APPYHOUR, Lunch & Learn, or training sessions. This not only allows for peer-to-peer learning but also gives recognition to the educators for their skills. We believe this is a very powerful formula in which internal expertise is shared, the colleague receives recognition for his/her skills and self-innovative learning is stimulated. After sharing their knowledge, we reward them with something delicious like fresh pastries from our bakery school, just to appreciate their effort.

4.1.e Maximize Potential of Technology

Connect leaders, educators, instructional support, technical support, domain experts and solution providers to maximize the potential of technology for learning.

✅ Application of ISTE Standard​​

Lunch & Learn: Each CHECK.IT is followed by a short info session near the teacher’s staffroom where the topics of the theme are covered. Staff is able to ask questions or give suggestions.

✅ our artifacts


The integration of follow-up info sessions after each ‘CHECK.IT’ questionnaire has proven to be an invaluable addition to our IT training initiative. These sessions, held conveniently near the teacher’s staffroom, provide a platform for discussing specific themes and addressing any questions or suggestions from our staff. The primary purpose of these info sessions is to deepen the understanding of the topics covered in the ‘CHECK.IT’ questionnaires. By offering a short, focused session on each theme, we ensure that our staff can engage with the material in a meaningful way. This approach not only reinforces the knowledge gained from the questionnaire but also provides an opportunity for immediate clarification and discussion. One of the key strengths of these sessions is their interactive nature. Staff members are encouraged to ask questions and share their suggestions, creating a collaborative and supportive environment. This open dialogue helps to address any uncertainties and allows for the exchange of ideas, fostering a sense of community and shared learning. Holding these sessions near the teacher’s staffroom makes them easily accessible to all staff members. This convenience ensures higher participation rates and allows for a more relaxed and informal setting, where staff feel comfortable engaging with the material and their peers. The proximity to the staffroom also means that these sessions can be seamlessly integrated into the daily routine, minimizing disruption. The feedback gathered during these sessions is invaluable for the continuous improvement of our IT training program. By listening to the questions and suggestions from our staff, we can better understand their needs and adjust our training materials accordingly. This iterative process ensures that our training remains relevant and effective, continuously evolving to meet the needs of our team. The follow-up info sessions for ‘CHECK.IT’ have significantly enhanced our IT training initiative. They provide a practical and interactive platform for reinforcing knowledge, addressing questions, and gathering feedback. This approach not only supports the professional development of our staff but also fosters a culture of continuous learning and improvement. We look forward to continuing these sessions and further enriching our IT training program.

4.2 Connected Learner

Coaches model the Student and Educator standards, and identify ways to improve their coaching practice.

Stephanie and Steven in consultation and discussion with other ICT coordinators about the needs and power of ICT in education.

4.2.a Deepen Expertise Through Professional Learning

Pursue professional learning that deepens expertise with the ISTE Standards to serve as a model for educators and leaders.

✅ Application of ISTE Standard​​

We did a keynote at the event ‘ICT-coördinatorendag Thomas More Geel’ to present our renewed digital strategy and how we wanted to implement this strategy in our school program.

✅ our artifacts


We were deeply honoured to be invited to a prestigious national event dedicated to IT professionals in the education sector. This opportunity allowed us to share our renewed digital strategy and the journey of its implementation with a wider audience, highlighting our commitment to innovation and excellence in education. At the event, we had the privilege of presenting our renewed digital strategy, which has been meticulously crafted to be powerful, clear, and transparent. We discussed the importance of thorough preparation and genuine engagement with our colleagues, emphasizing how these elements were crucial in gaining their support and commitment. Our strategy’s focus on clarity and transparency resonated with many attendees, sparking meaningful discussions about best practices in digital transformation. We also shared insights into the implementation process, detailing how we introduced the strategy to our team and the steps we took to ensure its success. By highlighting the collaborative efforts and the personalized approach we adopted, we were able to demonstrate the practical aspects of bringing a digital strategy to life. This real-world perspective was well-received, providing valuable lessons for other institutions looking to taking steps in the same direction. The event provided a unique platform for us to engage with other IT professionals and educators, exchanging ideas and experiences. The feedback and questions from the audience were incredibly insightful, offering new perspectives and potential improvements for our strategy. This interaction reinforced the importance of community and collaboration in driving educational innovation. Our participation in this event marks a significant milestone in our ongoing journey of digital transformation. It not only validated our efforts but also inspired us to continue pushing the boundaries of what is possible in education. We are excited to build on the connections made and the knowledge gained, further enhancing our strategy and its implementation in the coming years. Being invited to speak at this national event was a tremendous honour and a valuable experience. It allowed us to showcase our renewed digital strategy, share our implementation journey, and engage with a community of like-minded professionals. We look forward to continuing this dialogue and contributing to the advancement of IT in education.

4.2.b Participate in PLNs

Actively participate in professional learning networks to enhance coaching practice and keep current with emerging technology, innovations in pedagogy and the learning sciences.

✅ Application of ISTE Standard​​

We actively engage in various innovative learning networks where we participate in discussions and meetings about innovation and educational tools.

✅ our artifacts


Participating in various innovative learning networks has been incredibly enriching. Through Microsoft Teams: Microsoft Education, we keep up with advancements, particularly in search and reading coach. The monthly meetings with Microsoft Education Flanders have been invaluable for exchanging ideas and exploring new opportunities. Engaging in LinkedIn discussion groups about VR, XR, and AI has broadened our understanding of their potential in enhancing the learning process. Additionally, the VOKA Learning Network IT has provided a platform to collaborate with peers from different sectors, addressing both technological and human IT challenges. Topics like NIS2, sustainable ICT, and security awareness have been particularly impactful. Being part of the core team organizing these sessions has been a rewarding experience, despite the limitations on sharing documentation due to AVG regulations. Overall, these engagements have significantly contributed to our professional growth and innovation in our practices.

4.2.c Commit to Continuous Improvement

Establish shared goals with educators, reflect on successes and continually improve coaching and teaching practice.

✅ Application of ISTE Standard​​

We find it important to be close to our staff so we can share our vision and goals. Also in the opposite way, it is the chance for our staff to tell us what’s happening in the classroom and which IT-needs they have. That’s why we speak on regular basis at pedagogical seminars and staff meetings of our 6 schools which each have different needs.

✅ our artifacts


Maintaining close communication with our staff is a cornerstone of our approach to fostering a collaborative and responsive educational environment. By regularly speaking at pedagogical seminars and staff meetings across our six schools, we ensure that our vision and goals are clearly communicated, while also providing a platform for our staff to share their experiences and IT needs. Regular communication allows us to consistently share our vision and goals with our staff. These interactions are crucial for aligning our collective efforts and ensuring that everyone is working towards the same objectives. By being present and engaged, we can articulate our strategic direction, highlight key initiatives, and reinforce our commitment to innovation and excellence in education. Equally important is the opportunity for our staff to voice their experiences and needs. These sessions provide a valuable forum for teachers to share what is happening in their classrooms, discuss challenges, and identify specific IT needs. This two-way communication is essential for understanding the practical realities of our educational environment and for making informed decisions that support our staff and students. Our six schools each have unique needs and contexts. By engaging with staff at each location, we can tailor our support and resources to meet these diverse requirements. This personalized approach ensures that our IT strategies and initiatives are relevant and effective, addressing the specific challenges and opportunities faced by each school. Regular seminars and meetings also help to build a culture of collaboration and mutual support. These interactions foster a sense of community and shared purpose, encouraging staff to work together and learn from one another. By creating an open and inclusive environment, we empower our staff to contribute their ideas and expertise, driving continuous improvement and innovation. Our commitment to regular communication with our staff through pedagogical seminars and staff meetings is vital for the success of our educational initiatives. It allows us to share our vision and goals, listen to the needs and experiences of our staff, and address the unique requirements of each of our schools. This ongoing dialogue is key to building a collaborative and responsive educational community, and we look forward to continuing these important conversations.

4.3 Collaborator

Coaches establish productive relationships with educators to improve instructional practice and learning outcomes.

Stephanie and Steven inspire colleagues during the (H)APPYHOURS with digital tools that add value to the learning process.

4.3.a Cultivate Coaching Relationships

Establish trusting and respectful coaching relationships that encourage educators to explore new instructional strategies.

✅ Application of ISTE Standard​​

With our IT-team we organized an after school event that school staff could come visit: (H)APPYHOUR! A low-key event where digital novelties were presented by colleagues and members of the IT team. There was certainly also room for conversation, snacks and drinks.

✅ our artifacts


Our recent after-school IT event was a wonderful success, providing a relaxed and engaging environment for school staff to explore the latest digital innovations. Organized by our dedicated IT team, the event showcased new technologies and tools, presented by both colleagues and IT team members. The primary focus of the event was to introduce staff to the latest digital novelties. By having colleagues and IT team members present these innovations, we ensured that the information was both relevant and accessible. This peer-to-peer approach fostered a sense of community and made the technology more relatable and easier to understand. We aimed to create a low-key, welcoming atmosphere where staff could feel comfortable exploring new technologies. The inclusion of snacks and drinks added to the convivial environment, encouraging informal conversations and networking. This relaxed setting allowed for more meaningful interactions and a greater exchange of ideas. One of the key successes of the event was the ample room for conversation. Staff members were able to ask questions, share their experiences, and provide feedback on the digital tools presented. This open dialogue was invaluable for understanding the practical needs and concerns of our staff, and it will help guide future IT initiatives. The event also served as an excellent opportunity to build community and strengthen engagement among staff. By bringing together educators from different schools in a casual setting, we fostered a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose. This sense of community is essential for the successful implementation of any new technology or initiative. Our after-school IT event was a resounding success. It provided a valuable platform for showcasing digital novelties, encouraged open conversation and feedback, and fostered a sense of community among our staff. We look forward to organizing more such events in the future, continuing to support our staff in their journey towards digital proficiency.

4.3.b Identify Relevant Learning Content With Educators

Partner with educators to identify digital learning content that is culturally relevant, developmentally appropriate and aligned to content standards.

✅ Application of ISTE Standard​​

We teamed up with a very well-known organization specializing in home nursing. Our nursing students got to attend nursing technique workshops there as well as a VR first aid workshop that we and our IT team provided. This day was a nice blended collaboration between school and real-life as our students could meet nurses and ask questions about their working life. In beforehand, we took the time to review and discuss the objectives of the curriculum with the teacher and the organization. Afterwards, as a gift, our IT team gave another VR workshop to the organization’s employees to thank them for the location and this opportunity. Because of the success, this collaboration will continue in the upcoming years. Speaking of a bull’s-eye 😉

✅ our artifacts


Our recent collaboration with ‘Wit-gele Kruis van Antwerpen’ was a remarkable success, blending educational objectives with real-life experiences. This partnership provided our nursing students with invaluable hands-on learning opportunities and fostered a deeper connection between their academic studies and the practical world of home nursing. The day was structured to offer a comprehensive learning experience. Our nursing students attended workshops on nursing techniques, gaining practical skills directly from experienced professionals. Additionally, the VR first aid workshop provided by our IT team offered an innovative and immersive way to learn critical skills. This blend of traditional and cutting-edge training methods enriched the students’ learning experience and made the day both educational and engaging. Prior to the event, we took the time to review and discuss the curriculum objectives with both the teachers and the organization. This collaborative planning ensured that the workshops were aligned with our educational goals and maximized the learning outcomes for our students. The careful coordination between our school and ‘Wit-gele Kruis van Antwerpen’ was key to the success of the day. One of the highlights of the day was the opportunity for our students to interact with practicing nurses. These interactions allowed students to ask questions and gain insights into the daily realities of a nursing career. This real-world exposure is invaluable for students as they prepare for their future careers, providing them with a clearer understanding of the profession and its challenges. To express our gratitude for the collaboration and the use of their facilities, our IT team conducted an additional VR workshop for the employees of ‘Wit-gele Kruis van Antwerpen’. This gesture not only thanked the organization for their support but also strengthened the partnership, paving the way for future collaborations. Given the success of this event, we are excited to continue this collaboration in the coming years. The positive feedback from both students and professionals highlights the value of such partnerships in enhancing educational experiences. We look forward to building on this foundation and exploring new ways to integrate real-life experiences into our curriculum. The VR workshop collaboration with ‘Wit-gele Kruis van Antwerpen’ was a bull’s-eye. It provided a unique and enriching experience for our students, fostered valuable professional connections, and demonstrated the power of combining education with real-world practice. We are eager to continue this successful partnership and further enhance our students’ learning journeys.

4.3.c Evaluate Effectiveness of Tools for Learning

Partner with educators to evaluate the efficacy of digital learning content and tools to inform procurement decisions and adoption.

✅ Application of ISTE Standard​​

Together with our purchasing department, we organized a demo week where several demo boards of different suppliers toured our schools to facilitate the purchase of such board in the future: Digital signage/blackboard demoweek!

✅ our artifacts


Our recent digital signage/blackboard demo week was a strategic initiative aimed at facilitating informed purchasing decisions for our schools. Organized in collaboration with our purchasing department, this event showcased demo boards from various suppliers, providing a comprehensive overview of the available options. The demo week was designed to give our staff firsthand experience with different digital signage and blackboard solutions. By touring several schools, we ensured that a wide range of educators could interact with the demo boards, assess their features, and provide valuable feedback. This hands-on approach was crucial in understanding the practical applications and benefits of each option. One of the primary goals of the demo week was to gather insights that would inform future purchasing decisions. By comparing different suppliers and their offerings, we were able to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each solution. This comparative analysis will be instrumental in selecting the most suitable digital signage and blackboard systems for our schools, ensuring that we invest in technology that meets our educational needs. The success of the demo week was a result of the collaborative effort between our IT team, purchasing department, and school staff. This teamwork ensured that the event was well-organized and that all logistical aspects were smoothly handled. The active participation of educators in the demo sessions provided diverse perspectives and enriched the decision-making process. The demo week also served as an engaging and informative experience for our staff. It provided an opportunity to explore new technologies, ask questions, and discuss potential applications in the classroom. This interactive format not only enhanced understanding but also sparked enthusiasm and interest in the adoption of digital signage and blackboard solutions. As we move forward, the insights gained from the demo week will guide our purchasing decisions and help us select the best solutions for our schools. We are committed to investing in technology that enhances teaching and learning, and this event was a significant step towards achieving that goal. We look forward to implementing the chosen solutions and continuing to support our educators with the best possible to the digital signage/blackboard demo week was a highly successful initiative. It provided valuable insights, facilitated informed decision-making, and engaged our staff in exploring new technologies. We are excited about the future possibilities and confident that this event has laid a strong foundation for our technology investments.

4.3.d Personalize Support for Educators

Personalize support for educators by planning and modeling the effective use of technology to improve student learning.

✅ Application of ISTE Standard​​

School staff can book an IT-hour with one of our team members for personal IT-support: BOOK.IT!

✅ our artifacts


Our IT-hour initiative has proven to be an invaluable resource for school staff, offering personalized IT support tailored to individual needs. By allowing staff to book dedicated time with a member of our IT team, we have created a supportive and responsive environment that addresses specific technical challenges and enhances overall digital proficiency. The core strength of the IT-hour initiative lies in its personalized approach. Each session is tailored to the unique needs of the staff member, ensuring that the support provided is relevant and effective. This one-on-one interaction allows for a deeper understanding of individual challenges and provides targeted solutions that can be immediately applied in their daily work. By offering personalized IT support, we are helping to build confidence and competence among our staff. These sessions provide a safe space for staff to ask questions, seek clarification, and learn new skills without the pressure of a group setting. This empowerment is crucial for fostering a culture of continuous learning and digital fluency within our schools. The ability to book an IT-hour at a convenient time adds to the flexibility and accessibility of this initiative. Staff can choose a time that fits their schedule, ensuring that they can fully engage with the support session without conflicting with their other responsibilities. This convenience has contributed to the high uptake and positive feedback from participants. The IT-hour sessions also serve to strengthen the relationship between our IT team and school staff. By working closely with individual staff members, our IT team gains valuable insights into the specific needs and challenges faced by educators. This ongoing dialogue helps to build trust and fosters a collaborative spirit, enhancing the overall effectiveness of our IT support services. The IT-hour initiative has been a significant success, providing personalized, flexible, and effective IT support to our school staff. It has helped to build confidence, competence, and stronger relationships, contributing to a more digitally proficient and collaborative educational environment. We look forward to continuing this initiative and further supporting our staff in their digital journeys.

4.4 Learning Designer

Coaches model and support educators to design learning experiences and environments that meet the needs and interests of all students.

Stephanie and Steven coaching students, teachers and professional caregivers in the magical but also highly efficient VR world.

4.4.a Collaborate on Learning Design

Collaborate with educators to develop authentic, active learning experiences that foster student agency, deepen content mastery and allow students to demonstrate their competency.

✅ Application of ISTE Standard​​

We teamed up with a very well-known organization specializing in home nursing. Our nursing students got to attend nursing technique workshops there as well as a VR first aid workshop that we and our IT team provided. This day was a nice blended collaboration between school and real-life as our students could meet nurses and ask questions about their working life. In beforehand, we took the time to review and discuss the objectives of the curriculum with the teacher and the organization. Afterwards, as a gift, our IT team gave another VR workshop to the organization’s employees to thank them for the location and this opportunity. Because of the success, this collaboration will continue in the upcoming years. This successful initiative had to occur more than once in this portfolio.

✅ our artifacts


Our collaboration with ‘Wit-gele Kruis van Antwerpen ‘ for the VR workshop was a milestone in our efforts to create authentic, active learning experiences that foster student agency, deepen content mastery, and allow students to demonstrate their competency. The VR workshop provided our nursing students with a unique opportunity to engage in realistic, hands-on learning. By simulating real-life first aid scenarios, the workshop allowed students to apply their theoretical knowledge in a practical setting. This authenticity not only made the learning experience more engaging but also helped students understand the real-world applications of their skills. The interactive nature of the VR workshop encouraged active participation and decision-making. Students were able to navigate through various scenarios, make critical decisions, and see the immediate consequences of their actions. This active learning approach empowered students to take control of their learning journey, fostering a sense of agency and responsibility. By collaborating with ‘Wit-gele Kruis van Antwerpen’, we ensured that the content of the workshop was aligned with professional standards and real-world practices. The involvement of experienced nurses provided students with valuable insights and feedback, deepening their understanding of nursing techniques and first aid procedures. This collaboration enriched the learning experience and enhanced content mastery. The VR workshop also provided a platform for students to demonstrate their competency in a controlled, yet realistic environment. The scenarios required students to apply their knowledge and skills effectively, showcasing their ability to handle real-life situations. This practical demonstration of competency is crucial for building confidence and preparing students for their future careers. The success of this initiative was a result of careful planning and collaboration with educators and professionals from ‘Wit-gele Kruis van Antwerpen’. By reviewing and discussing the curriculum objectives beforehand, we ensured that the workshop was tailored to meet the educational needs of our students. This collaborative approach was key to creating a meaningful and impactful learning experience. The VR workshop and collaboration with ‘Wit-gele Kruis van Antwerpen ‘exemplified our commitment to developing authentic, active learning experiences. By fostering student agency, deepening content mastery, and providing opportunities for students to demonstrate their competency, we have taken a significant step towards enhancing our educational practices. We look forward to continuing this successful collaboration and further enriching our students’ learning journeys.

4.4.b Support Effective Assessments

Help educators use digital tools to create effective assessments that provide timely feedback and support personalized learning.

✅ Application of ISTE Standard​​

Because of the large global supply of educational apps, we designed a TOOL.KIT that teachers can access and use during their lessons. These apps were checked and recommended by our IT team. This eliminates the need for colleagues to search the worldwide web themselves and reduces their workload.

✅ our artifacts


The development of the TOOL.KIT initiative is an advancement in our efforts to support educators in leveraging digital tools for effective teaching and personalized learning. By curating a selection of educational apps, our IT team has provided a valuable resource that simplifies the integration of technology into the classroom. Given the vast array of educational apps available globally, the TOOL.KIT serves as a curated collection that teachers can easily access and use during their lessons. Each app included in the TOOL.KIT has been thoroughly checked and recommended by our IT team, ensuring that they meet our educational standards and are effective for classroom use. This curated approach eliminates the need for teachers to search the internet themselves, significantly reducing their workload and allowing them to focus more on teaching. One of the key benefits of the TOOL.KIT is its ability to help educators create effective assessments. The selected apps offer various tools for designing quizzes, assignments, and interactive activities that can provide timely feedback to students. This immediate feedback is crucial for identifying areas where students may need additional support and for adjusting instruction to meet their needs. By using these digital tools, educators can enhance the assessment process and ensure that it is both efficient and impactful. The TOOL.KIT also supports personalized learning by offering apps that cater to different learning styles and needs. These tools enable teachers to tailor their instruction to individual students, providing customized learning experiences that can help each student achieve their full potential. Whether through adaptive learning platforms, interactive simulations, or collaborative tools, the TOOL.KIT empowers educators to create a more personalized and engaging learning environment. By providing a pre-vetted selection of educational apps, the TOOL.KIT reduces the time and effort teachers need to spend on finding and evaluating digital tools. This increased efficiency allows educators to dedicate more time to planning and delivering high-quality instruction. The TOOL.KIT thus serves as a practical and time-saving resource that enhances the overall teaching and learning experience. The TOOL.KIT initiative is a step forward in supporting educators with digital tools that enhance assessments and personalized learning. By streamlining access to high-quality educational apps, we have reduced the workload for teachers and provided them with effective resources to improve their instructional practices. We are excited to see the positive impact of the TOOL.KIT on our educational community and look forward to its continued success.

4.4.c Collaborate to Accommodate Learner Needs

Collaborate with educators to design accessible and active digital learning environments that accommodate learner variability.

✅ Application of ISTE Standard​​

We gave a media literacy workshop to the students to make them wiser, more self-reliant and smarter in the use of social media. We gave tips on how they should definitely use social media and how to guard themselves against cybercrime.

✅ our artifacts


In our media literacy workshop for first-year vocational training students we aimed at making our students wiser, more self-reliant, and smarter in their use of social media. We designed an accessible and active digital learning environment that accommodated the diverse needs of our students which educators can use during their lesson hours. The primary goal of the workshop was to empower students with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate social media responsibly. We provided practical tips on how to use social media effectively, emphasizing the importance of critical thinking and responsible behaviour online. By equipping students with these skills, we aimed to foster a sense of self-reliance and confidence in their digital interactions. A key component of the workshop was educating students on how to protect themselves against cybercrime. We discussed common online threats and provided strategies for safeguarding personal information. This proactive approach to cyber safety is crucial in today’s digital age, where students are increasingly exposed to potential risks online. By raising awareness and providing practical advice, we helped students develop a more secure and vigilant online presence. We ensured that the workshop was accessible to all students, regardless of their varying levels of digital literacy. We used a variety of teaching methods, including interactive activity, discussions, and a multimedia presentation, to engage students and accommodate different learning styles. This inclusive approach ensured that every student could participate actively and benefit from the workshop. The workshop was designed to be active and engaging, encouraging students to participate and apply what they learned. Interactive elements, such as group discussions and hands-on activities, helped to reinforce key concepts and make the learning experience more dynamic. By creating an active learning environment, we ensured that students were not just passive recipients of information but active participants in their own learning journey. This workshop aligned with our goal of creating accessible and active digital learning environments. By empowering students with knowledge, providing practical tips on cyber safety, and designing an inclusive and engaging workshop, we helped our students become wiser, more self-reliant, and smarter in their use of social media.

4.4.d Model Instructional Design Principles

Model the use of instructional design principles with educators to create effective digital learning environments.

✅ Application of ISTE Standard​​

To support our teachers, we designed the BLEND.KIT. This principle guide helps teachers digitize parts (doesn’t have to be everything) of their lesson(s). In doing so, they can choose how much of their lesson they want to digitalize and are introduced to digital features that our IT team has checked in advance.

✅ our artifacts


The BLEND.KIT is a principle guide designed to help educators digitize parts of their lessons, providing them with the flexibility to choose how much they want to digitalize and introducing them to pre-vetted digital features. The primary goal of the BLEND.KIT is to support teachers in the digital transformation of their lessons. By offering a structured yet flexible guide, we empower educators to incorporate digital tools and resources at their own pace. This approach respects the varying levels of digital proficiency among teachers and allows them to gradually build their confidence and skills in using technology. The BLEND.KIT is grounded in sound instructional design principles, which we model for educators to create effective digital learning environments. These principles include clarity of objectives, alignment with curriculum standards, and the use of engaging and interactive digital tools. By demonstrating these principles in the BLEND.KIT, we provide a practical example that teachers can follow and adapt to their own teaching contexts. One of the key strengths of the BLEND.KIT is its flexibility. Teachers can choose how much of their lesson they want to digitalize, whether it’s a single activity or an entire unit. This choice allows educators to experiment with digital integration in a way that feels manageable and relevant to their specific needs and goals. The BLEND.KIT provides a range of options, from simple digital enhancements to more comprehensive digital transformations. To ensure the quality and effectiveness of the digital tools included in the BLEND.KIT, our IT team has thoroughly checked and recommended each feature. This vetting process eliminates the need for teachers to spend time searching for and evaluating digital resources, allowing them to focus on teaching and learning. The curated selection of tools ensures that educators have access to reliable and effective digital solutions. By using the BLEND.KIT, teachers can create digital learning environments that are engaging, interactive, and aligned with instructional goals. The guide helps educators design lessons that incorporate multimedia, interactive activities, and other digital elements that enhance student learning. This approach not only supports effective teaching but also prepares students for the digital demands of the future. By modelling instructional design principles and providing a flexible, pre-vetted guide, we help educators create effective digital learning environments. We are excited to see the positive impact of the BLEND.KIT on teaching and learning.

4.5 Professional Learning Facilitator

Coaches plan, provide and evaluate the impact of professional learning for educators and leaders on the use of technology to advance teaching and learning.

At bett london we were inspired about the future and the needs of our education.

4.5.a Design Quality Professional Learning

Design professional learning based on needs assessments and frameworks for working with adults to support their cultural, social-emotional and learning needs.

✅ Application of ISTE Standard​​

We designed a whole new app to request a workshop, training, … : TRAIN.IT!

✅ our artifacts


The development of the TRAIN.IT app oriented towards tailored professional learning opportunities for our staff. This innovative app allows educators to request workshops, training sessions, and other professional development activities, ensuring that their cultural, social-emotional, and learning needs are met effectively. The primary goal of the TRAIN.IT app is to design professional learning experiences based on thorough needs assessments. By allowing staff to request specific workshops and training sessions, we ensure that the professional development offered is directly aligned with their individual needs and interests. This needs-based approach ensures that our professional learning initiatives are relevant, targeted, and impactful. The TRAIN.IT app is grounded in established frameworks for working with adults, recognizing the unique characteristics and requirements of adult learners. These frameworks emphasize the importance of practical, relevant, and engaging learning experiences that respect the prior knowledge and experiences of adult learners. By incorporating these principles, the TRAIN.IT app supports effective and meaningful professional development. In addition to addressing learning needs, the TRAIN.IT app also considers the cultural and social-emotional needs of our staff. The app offers a range of workshops and training sessions that promote cultural competence, emotional well-being, and inclusive practices. This holistic approach ensures that our professional learning initiatives support the overall well-being and professional growth of our educators. The TRAIN.IT app provides a flexible and accessible platform for requesting professional development. Staff can easily browse available workshops and training sessions, select those that meet their needs, and schedule them at convenient times. This flexibility ensures that professional learning is accessible to all staff members, regardless of their schedules or locations. By giving educators the ability to request specific professional development opportunities, the TRAIN.IT app empowers them to take control of their own learning journeys. This autonomy fosters a sense of ownership and motivation, encouraging continuous professional growth and development. The app also facilitates ongoing feedback and evaluation, ensuring that the professional learning offered remains relevant and effective.

4.5.b Build Capacity

Build the capacity of educators, leaders and instructional teams to put the ISTE Standards into practice by facilitating active learning and providing meaningful feedback.

✅ Application of ISTE Standard​​

An Excel workshop was demanded by a large group of our administrative staff. Since we do not like step-by-step plans and courses, but are convinced of digital self-reliance, we chose to go through a learning process with them. This required them to join Teams, complete an assignment in beforehand, and have a chance to ask questions afterwards.

✅ our artifacts


Our recent Excel workshop for administrative staff was a significant initiative aimed at fostering digital self-reliance and building the capacity of our team to effectively use digital tools. By adopting a learning journey approach, we facilitated active learning and provided meaningful feedback, aligning with the ISTE Standards. Rather than following traditional step-by-step plans and courses, we embraced an active learning approach. This method required participants to engage with the material in a hands-on manner, promoting deeper understanding and retention. By joining Teams, completing a pre-assignment, and participating in a follow-up Q&A session, staff members were actively involved in their learning process. A core objective of the workshop was to promote digital self-reliance among our administrative staff. By encouraging them to explore and solve problems independently, we aimed to build their confidence and competence in using Excel. This approach aligns with our belief in empowering staff to take control of their own learning and development. The pre-assignment played a crucial role in the learning journey. It required participants to apply their existing knowledge and identify areas where they needed further support. This preparatory work ensured that the workshop was tailored to the specific needs of the participants, making the learning experience more relevant and effective. The follow-up Q&A session provided an opportunity for participants to ask questions and receive personalized feedback. This interactive component was essential for addressing individual challenges and reinforcing learning. By facilitating open dialogue, we ensured that participants could clarify doubts and gain a deeper understanding of Excel functionalities. Through this learning journey, we built the capacity of our administrative staff to use Excel more effectively. By facilitating active learning and providing meaningful feedback, we helped them develop the skills needed to put the ISTE Standards into practice. This approach not only enhanced their technical proficiency but also supported their overall professional growth.

4.5.c Evaluate PD Impact

Evaluate the impact of professional learning and continually make improvements to meet the schoolwide vision for using technology for high-impact teaching and learning.

✅ Application of ISTE Standard​​

To make IT-related decisions/evaluate our work and to give the best support as an IT-team we use the results from our CHECK.IT + LUNCH & LEARN as data.

✅ our artifacts


The CHECK.IT initiative, combined with our Lunch & Learn sessions, has provided invaluable data and insights that guide our IT-related decisions and support efforts. By evaluating the impact of these professional learning activities, we continually make improvements to meet our schoolwide vision for using technology to achieve high-impact teaching and learning. The results from the CHECK.IT questionnaires serve as a critical source of data for our IT team. By analyzing this data, we can identify specific areas where additional IT training is needed and tailor our support accordingly. This data-driven approach ensures that our decisions are based on actual needs, leading to more effective and targeted interventions. The Lunch & Learn sessions offer a platform for discussing the findings from CHECK.IT and providing immediate, practical support to our staff. These sessions allow us to evaluate the impact of our professional learning initiatives in real-time. By gathering feedback during these informal meetings, we can assess the effectiveness of our training programs and make necessary adjustments to improve outcomes. One of the key strengths of our approach is the commitment to continuous improvement. The insights gained from CHECK.IT and Lunch & Learn sessions are used to refine our professional learning strategies. This iterative process ensures that we are constantly evolving and enhancing our support to better meet the needs of our educators and students. Our ultimate goal is to align our IT initiatives with the schoolwide vision for using technology to enhance teaching and learning. By evaluating the impact of our professional learning activities, we ensure that our efforts contribute to this vision. The data and feedback collected help us understand how technology is being used in the classroom and identify opportunities for further integration and innovation. The combination of CHECK.IT results and Lunch & Learn sessions enables us to provide high-impact support to our staff. By addressing specific needs and offering timely, relevant training, we empower educators to use technology more effectively. This support not only enhances their digital proficiency but also improves the overall quality of teaching and learning in our 6 schools.

4.6 Data-Driven Decision-Maker

Coaches model and support the use of qualitative and quantitative data to inform their own instruction and professional learning.

During our Erasmus job shadowing, we visited Microsoft Lisbon. We discussed our overlapping challenges and corresponding possible solutions to strengthen our education.

4.6.a Facilitate Data Collection and Analysis

Coaches model best practices for educators and leaders for securely collecting, protecting and analyzing student data.

✅ Application of ISTE Standard​​

We organised an ‘(H)Appyhour’- event where teachers could learn about the use of Bookwidgets and how to interpret learning outcomes.

✅ our artifacts


Our ‘Appyhour’ event was an opportunity for educators to explore the innovative use of Bookwidgets and the interpretation of learning outcomes. This session was particularly aligned with the standard of assisting educators and leaders in securely collecting and analyzing student data. The hands-on approach of the session allowed teachers to actively engage with Bookwidgets, discovering its versatile features. This engagement was crucial in demonstrating how Bookwidgets can be integrated into the classroom to create interactive and personalized learning experiences. The practical demonstrations showcased the ease with which educators can design customized activities that cater to diverse learning styles and needs. A focus of the session was on the secure collection and analysis of student data. Educators were introduced to the robust data collection capabilities of Bookwidgets, which enable the tracking of student progress in real-time. The session emphasized the importance of data security and privacy, ensuring that student information is handled with the utmost care and confidentiality. The event also provided valuable insights into interpreting learning outcomes. Educators learned how to analyze the data collected through Bookwidgets to gain a deeper understanding of student performance. This analysis helps in identifying areas where students excel and where they may need additional support, thereby informing instructional strategies and interventions. Overall, the ‘Appyhour’ event empowered educators with the knowledge and tools to enhance their teaching practices through data-driven decision-making. By leveraging Bookwidgets, teachers can create engaging learning experiences while securely collecting and analyzing student data to improve educational outcomes.

4.6.b Help Educators Interpret Data

Support educators to interpret qualitative and quantitative data to inform their decisions and support individual student learning.

✅ Application of ISTE Standard​​

SaferInternetDay: We provided our student support and mental health team with tips and tricks about media literacy, form results to interpret and comprehensive support.

✅ our artifacts


With practical tips we aimed at enhancing their ability to navigate and utilize various media platforms effectively. These tips were designed to help them better understand the digital landscape that students interact with daily. By doing so, the team can more effectively communicate with students and address any media-related challenges they may face. The session included a detailed analysis of form results, which provided both qualitative and quantitative data on student well-being and mental health. We emphasized the importance of interpreting this data accurately to identify trends, patterns, and individual needs. This analysis is crucial for developing targeted interventions and support strategies that are responsive to the specific needs of our students. By providing these resources and insights, we aimed to empower the student support and mental health team to make informed decisions. The ability to interpret both qualitative and quantitative data enables the team to tailor their support strategies effectively, ensuring that each student receives the appropriate level of care and intervention.

4.6.c Support Student Data Use

Partner with educators to empower students to use learning data to set their own goals and measure their progress.

✅ Application of ISTE Standard​​

We use the analytics from our helpdesk to fine-tune our support and tailor our IT trainings to the needs and wants of our colleagues.

✅ our artifacts


In our continuous effort to provide exceptional IT support and training, we have strategically utilized analytics from our helpdesk to fine-tune our services. This data-driven approach not only enhances our support but also allows us to tailor our IT workshops/courses to better meet the needs and preferences of our colleagues. We try to empower our colleagues to use this learning data to set their own goals and measure their progress. This collaboration ensures that our training programs are not only relevant but also personalized, fostering a more engaging and effective learning environment. The insights gained from helpdesk analytics enable us to identify common issues and knowledge gaps, which we then address through targeted training sessions. This proactive approach not only resolves current challenges but also equips our colleagues with the skills they need to prevent future issues, promoting a culture of continuous improvement.

🔁 Clarification

By analyzing helpdesk data, students can see which areas they excel in and which ones need improvement. This helps them understand their learning patterns and preferences. Detailed feedback from helpdesk interactions can highlight specific topics or skills that require more attention. With clear insights into their performance, students can set achievable and measurable goals. For example, if a student struggles with a particular concept, they can set a goal to master it within a certain timeframe. Regular updates and analytics allow students to track their progress towards these goals, making adjustments as needed. By reflecting on the data and feedback, students can develop a deeper understanding of their learning process. This reflection encourages a growth mindset and continuous improvement. Students can use the insights to create personalized learning plans that cater to their unique needs and learning styles. When students have access to their own data, they take more responsibility for their learning outcomes. This sense of ownership can motivate them to stay engaged and proactive. Sharing progress with peers and mentors can foster a supportive learning environment where students can seek help and encouragement. Visual tools like dashboards can make it easier for students to understand their data. Graphs, charts, and progress bars can provide a clear picture of their achievements and areas for improvement. Visual representations of progress can also help in celebrating small victories, keeping students motivated and focused.

4.7 Digital Citizen Advocate

Coaches model digital citizenship and support educators and students in recognizing the responsibilities and opportunities inherent in living in a digital world.

With our ICT team, we set up our own phishing campaign. After this campaign, we delivered additional information about safe Internet use, this along with a sweet and, for those who fell into the trap, a sour candy for our colleagues.

4.7.a Encourage Civic Engagement

Coaches encourage educators and students to use technology to address community challenges.

✅ Application of ISTE Standard​​

As a school team, we are tasked with making students more resilient in society. On top of that comes an online world in which students spend a lot of time. Therefore, we gave a presentation to our students in which we discussed some ‘hot’ items and gave them some do’s & dont’s. The accompanying teachers were also genuinely interested and happy to hear what is going on in the students’ world.

✅ our artifacts


Implementing the standard of inspiring and encouraging educators and students to use technology for civic engagement and to address challenges to improve their communities was effectively demonstrated through our recent media literacy presentation. This initiative was aimed at second-year secondary school students, focusing on enhancing their resilience in an increasingly digital society. The presentation addressed current and relevant issues that students encounter online. By discussing ‘hot’ items, we ensured that the content was engaging and directly applicable to their daily experiences. Providing do’s and don’ts offered students concrete strategies to navigate the online world safely and responsibly. This practical approach helps students apply what they learned in real-life situations, fostering a more resilient and informed online presence. The involvement of accompanying teachers was crucial. Their genuine interest and positive reception of the content highlighted the importance of educators being aware of and responsive to the digital challenges students face. This also sets a precedent for teachers to integrate similar discussions into their regular curriculum. By educating students on media literacy, we are empowering them to become more critical consumers of information. This is a foundational step towards civic engagement, as students learn to discern credible sources and understand the impact of misinformation on society. The ultimate goal of this initiative is to improve our community by fostering a generation of students who are not only resilient but also proactive in using technology to address societal challenges. By equipping students with the skills to navigate the digital world responsibly, we are contributing to a more informed and engaged community.

4.7.b Foster Inclusive, Balanced Use

Coaches collaborate with educators, leaders and students to foster inclusive online spaces and healthy balance in their use of technology.

✅ Application of ISTE Standard​​

Each year at ‘Safer Internet Day’ we want to highlight cyber safety to our students, parents and staff. This year, we had the idea of surveying students about what they encounter in the online world: #TIKFLOP

✅ our artifacts


This initiative focussed this this year on surveying students about their online experiences provided valuable insights and fostered a collaborative approach to cyber safety. By surveying students, we actively involved them in the conversation about online safety. This approach not only made them feel heard but also provided us with firsthand information about the challenges they face in the digital world. The initiative brought together educators, leaders, students, and their families. This collective effort is crucial in creating a supportive environment where everyone is aware of the importance of respectful online interactions and the need for a balanced use of technology. Highlighting cyber safety during Safer Internet Day helped raise awareness among students, parents, and staff. The information gathered from the surveys can be used to tailor future educational programs and resources, ensuring they address the specific needs and concerns of our community. The discussions and activities centered around the survey results emphasized the importance of respectful online behaviour. This is a key component in fostering a positive digital culture and preventing issues such as cyberbullying and online harassment. By addressing the balance in technology use, we encouraged students to reflect on their online habits and consider ways to maintain a healthy relationship with technology. This is essential for their overall well-being and development. The Safer Internet Day 2024 initiative successfully partnered with various stakeholders to promote cyber safety and respectful online interactions. The student surveys provided valuable insights that will inform future efforts to create a safer and more balanced digital environment. Moving forward, it will be important to continue these collaborative efforts and ensure that all members of our community are equipped with the knowledge and skills to navigate the online world safely and respectfully.

4.7.c Evaluate Online Content

Coaches support educators and students to critically examine the sources and accuracy of online content and evaluate underlying assumptions, biases, and perspectives.

✅ Application of ISTE Standard​​

Workshop AI (teachers) & AI Pointer (students & teachers)

✅ our artifacts


We conducted an AI workshop for our teaching staff with the primary goal of introducing them to the fundamentals of artificial intelligence and exploring ways to integrate AI into their lessons. The workshop began with an introduction to AI, covering its history, current applications, and potential future developments. We then delved into practical examples of AI tools that can be used in educational settings, such as AI-driven tutoring systems, automated grading, and personalized learning platforms. The session also included hands-on activities where teachers experimented with AI tools and discussed their potential classroom applications. One of the key components of the workshop was to emphasize the importance of critically examining online media sources. In today’s digital age, both educators and students are bombarded with information from various online platforms. It is crucial to develop the skills to discern credible sources from unreliable ones. During the workshop, we highlighted several strategies for evaluating online content, such as checking the author’s credentials, looking for peer-reviewed sources, and being aware of potential biases. Another significant aspect of the workshop was to help educators and students identify underlying assumptions in online media. AI tools can assist in this process by analyzing text for implicit biases and presenting multiple perspectives on a given topic. We demonstrated how AI can be used to uncover hidden assumptions in news articles, social media posts, and other online content. This skill is essential for fostering critical thinking and promoting a more nuanced understanding of complex issues. The workshop provided practical examples of how AI can be integrated into various subjects. For instance, in language arts, AI can be used to analyze literary texts for themes and motifs. In science, AI can simulate experiments and predict outcomes based on different variables. By incorporating AI into their lessons, teachers can enhance student engagement and provide more personalized learning experiences. The AI workshop was a valuable opportunity for our teaching staff to gain a deeper understanding of artificial intelligence and its potential applications in education. By focusing on critical examination of online media and identifying underlying assumptions, we equipped our educators with the tools to foster critical thinking in their students. Moving forward, we will continue to support our teachers in integrating AI into their lessons and promoting a more informed and discerning approach to online information. To build on the success of this workshop, we plan to offer follow-up sessions that delve deeper into specific AI tools and their classroom applications. We will also create a support network for teachers to share their experiences and best practices in using AI in education. We are also designing an ‘AI guide’ that teachers and students can use to discuss AI and indicate how they use AI in assignments.

4.7.d Support Others in Protecting Personal Data

Empower educators, leaders and students to make informed decisions to protect their personal data, and curate the digital profile they intend to reflect.

✅ Application of ISTE Standard​​

In an effort to enhance cybersecurity awareness among our school group personnel, we organized a phishing campaign. This initiative aimed to educate staff about the dangers of phishing attacks and how to recognize and respond to them effectively.

✅ our artifacts


We launched a phishing campaign that effected/infected the whole group of school staff including teachers, administrative personel and school leaders. The objective of this campaign was to identify vulnerabilities and educate our staff on recognizing and avoiding phishing scams. The campaign involved sending a simulated phishing email to all staff members. The email contained a link to order a ‘Microsoft Certified Mouse’ 😉 that, when clicked, redirected the user to an awareness page. This page provided tips and guidelines on how to recognize phishing attempts and protect personal information. The goal was to create a realistic scenario that would test the staff’s ability to identify and avoid phishing scams. The campaign revealed that a significant number of staff members clicked on the phishing link, indicating a need for increased awareness and training. The awareness page served as an immediate educational tool, offering practical advice on identifying phishing emails, such as checking the sender’s email address, looking for spelling and grammar errors, and being cautious with unsolicited links and attachments. One of the key outcomes of the campaign was to empower our staff to make informed decisions regarding their personal data. By experiencing a simulated phishing attempt, staff members were able to see firsthand how easily they could be deceived. The awareness page provided them with the knowledge and tools to recognize and avoid phishing scams in the future. This experience is crucial in helping them protect their personal data and curate their digital profiles responsibly. This campaign also emphasized the importance of curating a digital profile that reflects one’s professional and personal integrity. Staff members were encouraged to be mindful of the information they share online and to regularly update their privacy settings on social media and other online platforms. By being proactive in managing their digital presence, they can reduce the risk of falling victim to phishing scams and other cyber threats. The phishing campaign was a valuable exercise in raising awareness and educating our staff about the dangers of phishing. It highlighted the need for ongoing training and vigilance in protecting personal data. By empowering our educators, leaders, and students to make informed decisions, we can create a safer digital environment for everyone.